Firstly, this is the first company I See where you can see the chairmans award available on the net, but there is no email address to reach him to give him feedback on his service. Theirs is the first website which does not have a feedback link.
I used this service for a transfer from Bangalore, clearly stating that they will need to store my goods for some time as I was awaiting possession of a residence in Mumbai. I paid in advance for the movement of goods without bargaining even though they were overpriced.Their representative, Jitesh is a sweet talker who cannot be trusted. He does business by hiding facts. My estimate started at Rs 7000, finally was billed for Rs 11, 000. Had I known this was to happen, I would have chosen more professional movers and packers for the same rate.
I was in touch with Jitesh and the Mumbai point of contact throughout informing them that I will let them know as soon as I need the goods.
When I finally asked for the goods this last week and for the cost of storing, that I would pay on delivery - I was given a surprise, I was told that I would again need to pay transportation - this also I agreed, though his explanation of "my door to my door to your door did not make any sense", but I did not want a Rs 800 as an issue now, and agreed to pay the same.
When the goods arrive, I am told by the transporters that they will unload only after I pay the complete balance amount first. I had cash ready to pay as soon as they did the offloading, but they insisted on the cash being handed over first - implieing that they dont trust you to pay after the goods are carried in. These were non-professional goons, who should not be allowed into anybodys homes. Their language, their behavoiour with customers, their attitude towards handling customers goods, reeked of "goondaism" - it was embarassing to even talk to them. If they had a pay everything before we unload policy, they should state the same upright instead of treating decent, honest customers as cheats who would not pay on delivery.
They even extracted an additional Rs 100 from me, stating that they paid octroti though they could not show me the receipt. They showed me a stamp on the papers that they said was proof. On later checking the stamp, I found that it actually said that octroi was not applicable. IF they want to make money this way, they might as rob or beg instead of work for a living . The only problem is that your goods are with them and you are held to ransom and literally have no choice. They exploit your situation.
Jitesh hides facts, does not give you the finer details, refuses to pick calls if you have a problem. To deal with him or his organisation is a disgrace to oneself. If I had to deal with the kind of movers they sent, I would have hired some local transportation non-branded company who would still employ better people and be easier to transact with.