Manoj Jain and Jitesh from the Sahara movers and Packers are the biggest crooks.I am in process of filing a consumer forum case on the company.
We had the most horrible experience with them.Most of our house hold stuff along with the vehicles was damaged and they took no nresponsibility.And Jitesh said he never checked the condition of the good before accepting the items or delivering so they are not responsible.can you imagine.
They delayed the delivery and again took no responsibility.Manoj Jain and Jitesh switched off their phones and stopped responding to us completely.
They did not even give us a date and time for deliveryt we had to take off from office for 3 days to wait for them to deliver.Again there was no commitment on time millions of phine calls later finally the stuff was delivered late and damaged.
Never use them even if its free.they are not woth it.