Filmed in africa, this flick is quite adventurous. Lets say that you call can comment on this movie as Not very bad, after all. I personally liked the picturisation of African seas. The movie had bits of good humor in it all well.
Characters :
Dirk(Matt Mcconaughey) a treasure hunter/explorer who apparently is the hero.
Al - Dirks friend since kindergarten - provides comic relief but handles a lot of action as well.
Bah! I dont remember her name !@#! (Penelope Cruz) is a beautiful :)
WHO physician.
Qasim - a general @ mali ( I strongly suspect that was Booker T from WWE).
Dirk is excited when he comes across some proof of an ironcast-battleship buried somewhere near Mali. Penelope Cruz is investigating an epidemic @ Lagos (Nigeria - I think). And in an incident Dirk saves Cruz from some bad guys who try to stop her from going to Mali.
So Dirk, Al, and a geeky scientist friend drop Cruz anf her doctor friend at Mali, in their borrowed yacht. @ Mali Dirk is disappointed when he finds no more information about the ship there. But when he leaves the place he is attacked by the military/ police (whatever :( ) , for having given a lift to the doctors.
Meanwhile when Cruz and her friend are arriving at a conclusion that it is the water @ Mali that is contaminated, their party is ambushed by Qasims men. Dirk intervenes in great time and kills Qasims men with a little help from Al (who according to the director can never be killed by guns or bombs).
The Trio then run into a rock-cut Tuareg city for protection. To cut a long story short -
Dirk finds a map to the boat in cave painting - when they venture to go out and seek the boat, they find a factory thats dumping chemicals that is causing the epidemic - they snoop into the factory and are captured by Qasims men [its Qasims aides factory :( very guessable] - Dirk and Al escape from them while Cruz is trapped - The tuareg are Qasims enemies and they team up with Dirk and Al to drop the inside the factory.
So a big stage is set for the climax - the businessman who owns the factory has set up a bomb to destroy evidence of pollution - Cruz is trapped inside the factory - Al is gonna defuse the bomb - Dirks gonna save the girl - and theres this loyal tuareg bodyguard of the businessman who wont let Dirk do his job.... hmm ah well the as usual the three escape without a scratch ....
And, and .... they also find this battleship loaded with gold coins, in the middle of the desert.
In a dramatic climax they fire a cannonball from inside the ship @ Qasims chopper ... and go home rich men .. And Dirk gets the Cruz treasure too ;)
The movie ends with Dirk and Cruz aplayin on seashores.
Interesting dialogues/Scenes
( I may have rephrased a few dialogues, as I have forgotten them :( )
The scene where the geek scientist tells Dirks boss very proudly I shot a guy with a flare gun.
Dirk and Al escape from Qasims men to land in the middle of the desert ...
Al: Ill go get them bomb, you go and get the girl (ha ha what a fool !!)
Qasim : Dont worry, this is Africa, nobody cares about Africa
Qasim pulls out a gun and tells Cruzs friend This revolver was used by General (Blah Blah Blah), I had the bullets made at 26 pounds each ...
Cruzs friend : You should put your money to better use