This is in continuation of my earlier review "Nightmare with Saholic and Spice". It arrived DEAD, DOA took me about four days. It was picked up by Bluedart on Saturday 8th June, arrived their warehouse on Monday 10th June at 12-30 noon. I get a mail from them only yesterday that it is dispatched by Delhivery yesterday (12th June) and I will get it on 14th, when I shall be on my way to Moscow.
What a perfect timing after all the hassles!!! The item was meant to be a gift for one of my Russian friends and of course, the whole purpose is defeated if I do not get it latest by today. Or should I thank the GOD that I did not gift it to anybody, now that I know the quality and present ability of the Stellar pad?
This is from Prof S Dutta Gupta (web: I purchased a spice stellar pad MI-1010 from saholic (orderid 444163, invoice 44179) to gift it to my friend in Russia (I am leaving for Moscow on 14th June). The item arrived dead. Reported the matter to both saholic and spice customer care. Was asked to obtain a DOA (Dead on arrival) certificate. After three trips to Spice ASC could get the DOA and the sealed box. Sent about 10 copies of DOA to saholic. Initially saholic was saying that there is no attachment (???). After forwarding the same mail to myself and my wife, could verify that the attachment was there. Then they started saying that DOA is not readable. Sent them a pdf scanned by my laser printer CM3550, which also they claim that they can not read. I sense a fraud and left with no options. Calling customer care of both and trying to reach a senior official did not yield anything. They put you on hold for 20 mins, after that the connection is cut.
Attaching the DOA copy, decide for yourself if it is readable.I made my decision about both these companies. Do learn from my experience and decide for your own.