I was there in St. kabir long back in 1986-1999, but It is one of the best schools, teachers are our mentors and role models, they go out of thier way to help students, personal attention, even our principal used to know the names of all students bringing in very student centric and caring atmosphere.
It was good in imparting us good discipline, manners and etiquettes. Whereever I am I always owe to this school for imparting good lessons in my early days which helps me to take my decisions in wise and better way.
It had all extracurricular activites including sports, dance, garba keeping us busy throughout the year, We cherished all festivals with our friends and teachers in the school. Moreover they came up with amazing projects which we need to submit every month which gave us a chance to read outside the book and bring our creativity on table.
It is a school which strictly follows its mission and goals.All in all good school, the con of this school is we didnt had very good alumni network and sometimes they were pretty strict with some rules. Its one of the best schools of Gujarat.