Almost all reviews praising the company are fake. This itself will tell you about the company. It is a small company with a small mindset and believes that the only way to be successful is to cheat both the farmers and the customers. It was started by two brothers who were working at clerical level for some land dealers, luck favoured them and they made some good deals at the right time but the greed broke the relationship between the brothers and they have parted.
Once they sell the land(many times without any 7/12 in your name) they will avoid talking to you. The staff keeps changing every 6 months and the promoter(KR Malick) can never be accessed. The promise in the agreement(Which is probably not legal) is never met. They will promise fencing, light, road etc but you can be rest assured that those things will never materialise.
It is sad that these people are hand in gloves with corrupt politicians and therefore no action is taken against them
They specifically target NRIs and IT folks because they know that these guys are vulnerable and will not protest for their rights
Just came across a write up on Sairung . Check this link