I and my friend had gone to sakra for full body checkup.We were asked to come morning 7:15.We both thought we Wil be made to wait as most of the time staffs wont be there.But here we had a totally different experience.The moment we informed the desk about our arrival we were taken for blood test followed by all the other tests.We were never made to wait even for 5min anywhere.All the tests where done as written and we had a sheet in which it was ticked.So we nvr had to worry we missed any.And the best part was all the results came on the same day by the time we finished everything.So v nvr had to spent one more day behind it.We wre very impressed by the way they organised well wth token nos. for general areas n pharmacy.We were very pleased to see such good service and hope it wont decline in coming years.Keep up the good work!