Who are very particular about taste can undoubtly use Sakthi masala with their food In south people use it with idli, dosa to make it delicious and spicy It comes in powder form with packing of 50gm.
100gm which cost rs 15.50 and rs 30 respectivly which is easily affordable to get taste You can sprinkle it on sandwiches or can mixed with vegetables.
My son mix it with oil and eat with white dhokla relishly as colour and flavour both are nice and tempts anybody to atleast taste it It contains gram dal, sesame seed, chilli , garlic, refined ground oil All ingredients are of good quality so it is not harmful to health My family is very happy with this product Thanks to Sakthi Masala for such tasty and healthy masala Not only south Indians but all other people also should try atleast once this masala with their food You wont regret It remains as it as for 12 months