A lengthy movie with no substance. 3 hours of wailing and crying and howling over so called love. As much as the movie is aimed as a tribute to love, its a cliched attempt at the cause. The only couple I actually enjoyed watching was the punjabi guy and his kudi. That was the sole source of humour barring Govindas vain attempts at trying to live up to his role. It was six different love stories with absolutely no direction for any. Towards the end its a total drag, with the never ending song (ya rabba, which is quite soothing if you dont listen to it during the course of the movie) making the couples laments hit its peak.
The crowd around was actually hooting and jeering at the actors and the actresses in the movie hall where I watched the movie. That was a clear indication of how successful the movie was going to be on its day of release. The big hue and cry created before the movie was baseless. Their desperate attempts at making it sell with the huge ad campaign could later be explained.Its not even remotely close to the entertainer that Love Actually was, since the story was supposed to be along the same lines.