...whats goin on? Ok, well before you say that I live in the UK where it isnt supposed to be 11:45, you are totally right, its not! But I had to think of a nice title to differentiate from the 47 other much more wonderful reviews on this perfectly lovely film. So really there’s no point in reading this review as its probably not up to those standards, but hey, Ill give it a go! :-)
Salaam Namaste, basically translates to hi hello. So knowing our gorgeous Saifs history and reputation, we may be inclined to think that there is no hi hello when hes involved in a film, it goes straight to excessive flirting, which is strangely very unsuccessful (how could anyone say no to him!). But in this film, Saif is reserved, waiting for the right girl, and some flirting is involved but not really as a playboy.
What would you do if you scheduled an interview with someone and they missed it because they couldnt be bothered to wake up? Well, if that person was Saif, I wouldnt really mind when the interview was as long as he turned up for it, I would probably wait for ages and ages. But if it was anyone else (yes, even you lovely people on MS :P), then I would be strongly persuaded to try and bring that person down as much as possibly, and preferably in public....and Ambar in the film is a girl after my own heart.
Ambar aka Amby aka Hambar: Organised, efficient, loves punctuality, hates late-comers, has a particular phobia of marriage after seeing her sister married with two kids and nothing achieved in her life, and got thrown out for this by her parents. Pretty, wears cool clothes and has an annoying voice. Training to be a surgeon but works as a temporary RJ for funding.
Nick aka Niks aka Nikhil Arora: Great cook, trained architect by profession and fathers wishes, chef by interests and his wishes, cool, calm, sleeps late and wakes up late, very stubborn but very sweet. One other major word to describe him: lovely, gorgeous, fabulous (ok more than one word but mean the same thing!)
So basically, Nick and Ambar had arranged an interview which he didn’t turn up to and she brought him down quite a few notches on the radio. Obviously, he phones her and argues with her and refuses to apologise. Later we are introduced to his flirty friend who recommends that he sends a threat to sue her. So he phones her again and threatens to sue her, whilst she says that unless he apoligises, she will continue to defame him and his restaurant. This conversation is recorded by her boss and aired on the radio! :-)
Then fate decided to bring them together, those two who had never met, only talked. She was at a wedding as a bridesmaid and he was there providing the catering. The two met, flirted, talked, but she introduced herself as a surgeon and he introduced himself as an architect (apparently supposed to impress girls, but cooks are so much better!), so they don’t recognise eachother. After spending the whole day together, they sense a strong connection between them. His friend and her friend obviously sense one too as they get married the next morning! But in that morning, all hell breaks loose and they find out exactly who the other is. (There were lots of claps and whistles in the audience at this point, I love going in a movie when its released, its full of a proper Indian audience and totally rocks!)
Both then decide that their differences were not as much as the liking they had taken to each other and the next day, he arrives early at the station to do a proper interview. Right at the end, he said “I love you” to her (lots and lots of wolf whistles, I think there was even a standing ovation somewhere!) She thinks he isn’t serious but later realises he was. They decide to live together as house mates and get to know each other to determine if it really is love or just infatuation.
At first they compromise, her faults are replaced by his qualities and vice versa. They gradually become closer and closer until they finally realise it is love. Three months pass by in this bliss, and then Ambar finds out she’s pregnant. At first both definitely want to abort the baby but one visit to the hospital clears all of her doubts and she wants to keep it. Then comes a huge argument, and both vow never to talk to each other again. (Someone actually cried at this point!)
What will happen? Will they hate eachother forever? Will Preity keep the baby? To find out, watch it! The end rocks as it has my other lovely in it, Abhishek! Both are actually on screen at the same time!
Nick: Played by Saif ali Khan. Aside from looking as nice as ever, even in a girl power t-shirt, I thought that his acting was also very realistic. He played a great immature idiot, gradually discovering his priorities in life. He also excelled at the shouting matches between him and Ambar.
Ambar: Played by Preity Zinta. I actually thought she was brilliant in this film, and not so annoying either! She acted wonderfully as a woman on the brink of maturity and immaturity, and was also very good in the sad scenes and the shouting matches. She also looked very nice.
Jignesh: Ambar’s friend played by Jugal Hansraj, who was obviously a Guju! Although his role was minor in the film, he did very well as a supporting friend who lived off his bap’s kamayi and never did his homework! He looked very cute in the movie, especially his eyes!
Nick’s friend (I cant remember his name, was it Ron? :S): Played by Arshad Warsi, he was the life of the film! He rocked the most, with his funny yet sincere acting and his hilarious facial expressions. He is one of the best actors in the industry today and every role he does, however funny, he does them with sincerity. He was easily the best actor in the movie. (Sorry Saif but you looked the nicest, sorry Abhishek but you looked the dorkiest! Sorry Nandu from Jassi but you look the cutest!)
Doctor sahib: Played by Abhishek. Man, even in a dorky suit, dorky glasses, greasy hair and goofy teeth he managed to look good, shows how nothing can hide natural fitness! (hehe!) My friend told me he looked lovely in this film, so I was waiting for the end and then he came like this. I was totally shocked but then he still made a mark in the film because his acting was very good and hilariously funny. So I still loved him in the movie!
Others with great acting were Arshad Warsi’s wife whose name I have completely forgotten and the cowboy guy whose house they were tenants in!)
The album was one of the best I’ve heard this year. My dil goes hmmm was a beautiful love song (with lots of wolf whistles :P), as was Tu Jahan. My dil is my current favourite along with Dus Bahaane (it cant be beaten!) Whats goin on (lol) was also a wonderful song, I really liked the way they picturised it! And Salaam Namaste was also a very danceable upbeat song!
continued in comments section!