This is not a product review but a comment on the company Samsung India .Samsung had advertised in Mar 06 that every purchaser of its laser printers would be given a free toner.As the effective cost of the printer would significantly reduce after factoring in the free toner cartridge my friend and I purchased Samsung printers and dutifully sent Samsung Rs 250 by DD and registered for the free toner.
Unfortunately in spite of repeated reminders , mails and compliants Samsung has till date not given the free toners (almost a year has passed). Worse no response is received to our mails. Samsung seems to have realised that the consumer in India has to fend for himself and decided to ignore the consumer after collecting his money.I am informed by dealers that this is a coommon complaint and Samasung has just forgotten the promised toner.
There could be other members / consumers who would also be similarly affected. Could we start a forum on Mouthshut to expose these cheats??.I have copies and evidence for all that has been stated. I am also giving my full address in case anyone wants to verify the facts
Samir Saraiya Bombay Mutual Chambers, 19/21 Ambalal Doshi Marg Fort Mum 23 Ph 22653142 email