I like to inform you about the online shopping site sammydress.com. This site (sammydress.com) seems like fake site. I had ordered shipment from ’Sammy Dress’, they immediately charge me online for the order. It has been ordered on date 24th Oct and still the shipment is not delivered.
There is no contact or email address of the site Sammy dress for any inquiry. No further communication from there end. Two of my friends also ordered and the same story with them also. Please please a very kind request to you all to stay out of this site. You would pay only for watching there products.
I would like to take action against them. If someone knows how to deal and take action against this kind of online shopping site it would be great. Please help.
Courier tracking details shows that shipment has been delivered from china post but I haven’t receive any
AWB: RB566207931CN.
Destination: India.
Pieces: 1.
Status: In transit.
Again I want to request to all of you. Stay away from sammydress.com site and stay safe.