The moment I think that I have paid the price for being foolish enough to have bought a Samsung product, it brings up something new.
I still have a Samsung refrigerator, that troubled me 4-5 years back (I wrote a review on that too). This review is however a tribute to the Samsung 46 inch LCD that I had till July 2012.
I had bought one about 3+ years ago, being easily impressed by the gadget glitter (I dont know when Ill learn). It was a gigantic screen placed in Drawing-Dining hall and outshone everything else. At least thats how I felt.
The HD picture quality was great. I was among the early adotpers of Tata Sky HD package and the LCD did all justice to it. It saw India win the cricket world cup in 2011. I am sure the white ball appeared sharper on HD to our players thus contributing to our victory. The HD versions of my favorite Discovery , NGC, etc. were just great. So was the sound quality. Now where did it all go wrong?
One find evening, I was watching a NASA footage of the final space shuttle launch. The night vision was shown using thermal footage for the purpose of the program. Thermal imaging has very bright and weird colors, as you know. So far so good. The story of my anguish began when the footage returned to normal, but still appeared no different from thermal. Something had gone wrong with the LCD screen as I was to find out in times to come. I did my usual "windows" like shut downd and restarts, but to no avail. I tested with the DVD and saw no difference in picture status, thus eliminating any issue with the DTH connection.
The help desk was called up. Ill spare the details of our several conversations, but it was agreed that an engineer would visit us. He came, he saw and he muttered - The screen is gone. well need to replace it. It would cost about INR 31, 000. When checked about the warranty of the new screen I was told it will be 1 month from the day of installation. Need I say any thing about these facts?
Anyway, I had 2 choices - Dump the LCD set and forget the 85 K I had spend 3 years back, or pay 31 K and get something that will work ensured for a month and then as long as my luck does not run out again. I wasnt sure which one is the devil and which the deep sea. To me both looked 50:50. I chose the 31 K option. Few would have chosen the other.
A fortnight later, I was told that the spare part (the screen) is not available in India. Samsung would need to procure it from Singapore. I must admit they were quite understanding not to ask for a return airfare to Singapore for the same. All they asked was a choice (again)- Wait for 6 weeks for the screen to be arranged OR have a refund of your equipment at a depreciated price. I took the latter.
Few days passed, and I did finally get a refund cheque delivered at my home. The delivery guy was also responsible to pick up the dead LCD and take it back to its manufacturer. My mind was full of ideas what Samsung would do with this piece of crap now. Just to be sure, I asked the delivery/pickup guy.
"This will go back to the company sir."
"Yeah, I figured that out, but what will you make of it there?. Its defunct."
"Sir, only the LCD is gone, rest is all ok"
"So?", My doubts coming true.
"The other parts can still be used.....and who knows, we can repair it in few weeks."
"Ok. Then?"
" will see as refurbished LCD to some shop, mall etc"
I thanked him for the check and the wisdom offered and saw him leave.
Since that day I have been paying special attention to the LCDs fixed at and displaying something at public places, like Malls, Railway stations, hospitals, offices......and 70%+ have turned out to be Samsungs.