Sound/Ringtone: You will find that the preset ringtone volume is very low compared with other samsung phone. The vibrator also not strong 2 make u feel it when u r walking on the street.
Battery: I have 2 recharged the battery every 1.5 - 2 days (standby time). Horrible!
Navigation key is not so user friendly if this is ur 1st time usage. I hv used dis phone for 2 years since I bought it 1 month after they launched this (Samsung 1st flatbed colour phone).
Screen too so small
Can only type english character, didnt support other non-latin character.
Voice breaking during conversations.
The ringing was so low that I could hear it only if there is complete silence.
One worst problem, signal reception will drop when u put it inside ur trousers pocket.
Phone will auto shut off even when the battery bar remains 2 bars. Terrible! Perhaps batter problem.