This review of mine is for the Samsung C100. I have used this mobile for 8 months. This review is about X factor which made me by the phone and my experience with it from there on.
Inspiration for purchase
I was flattered by the design of the phone. It was I think the first sleek, smart looking silver model cell phone from a familiar brand. I actually went to the shop to buy the Nokia 8250. The salesman told me that the Nokia 8250 cost Rs.8500/-. The next model I searched was the Nokia 3100. That was priced at Rs.11, 000/-. Then they showed me the new model C100 which they got it few hours back. The price of it was Rs.9500/-. The ringtones and display was cool according to me and that speeded up my decision in buying the phone. I bought it on the same day they launched it.
I really liked that design. Sleek and perfect. The buttons had the proper bulge, the silver finish was too good with the gray grain finish at the back. The inner curve around the dial pad was superb. All in all the design was too good.
This was one of the main factor that made me buy this phone. There were some class polyphonic ringtones of few animals and other categories. The 40 polyphonic ringtones of this phone are better compared to other phones.
The 65K color was too good. The screen was small and well sized so that the picture clarity within the screen was excellent. The display was excellent with that small screen.
This is one of the area where I dont favour this phone. The phone has many drawbacks. I clearly dont remember all the problems as it is almost a year now since I have sold the phone.
Address Book
One of the biggest drawback I found was that when I type the name to save a phone number, if the name is a bit big (like more than 15 charecters), the phone will not accept. It sucks. I hated the phone for that issue.
Other Problems with Phone
No head phone. When I went to a dealer, they gave me the R200 headset which when I fixed, I could only hear the other party but they couldnt hear me. Sad thing. Also, the cap to close the headset socket is a cheap one. It corrodes too fast.
The software of the phone was very very slow. It used to hang very often.
The infra red never worked with nokia. What the use then. Majority of the phones sold in India are made by Nokia.
Battery does not last even for 2 days. That is really sad. I dont make/receive too many calls, neither play any games. But battery exhausts too soon.
Finally I had to sell the phone because the software gave me too much of trouble.
You might ask me a question why I didnt reload the software. Who would like to repair a phone and use it which has a defect from the manufacturer itself, that too a few days old phone.