My Samsung D-820 purchased in Jul 2006 priced 15k is not worth for money for the follwoing reasons:
1) Mp3 experience is very bad as the sound clarifty is a filthy stuff.
2) The slot for the memory stick is poorly designed and very often you get memory card removed - very irritating and the phone hangs sometimes.
3) The new micro socket for charger is redicules - the charger pin broken inside and I was forced to buy a new one after 8 months.
4) Now, one of the key fails to function properly (it works only on repeated pressings)
5) Problem with sliding - the two (upper & lower) parts scratching each other, scratches seen near the camera.
6) The micro phone is not of good quality (people at the other end have hearing problem)
7) The service center is not friendly. One of the service center incharge in Trichy (Thillai Nagar), Tamil Nadu was very rude when I went for charger issues.
8) The TV out feature is not very useful as the picture clarity is bad.
9) Very difficult to configure bluetooth device -it doesnt work for me.
10) Ring tone sound clarity is like an ordinary phone.
11) Key pad design need to improve (its too small to operate/ near by keys get pressed)