Realty TV shows are gaining more and more popularity these days, as they keep the audience interest alive through out the show. Survivor, Chain of Love, The Bachelor, Who wants to marry a millionaire, The Apprentice, and now the latest one on NBC is ?For Love or Money? shown on Monday nights at 9pm (Eastern Time)
I?m not sure if the show is broadcast in India. If they do, enjoy it else you?re not missing much. The show is good time pass in the sense that its much better than wasting time on Kkusum or Jassi.
The Plot:
Sixteen, randomly (or by looks) selected girls are competing for money or love. Love is for the guy (a rich, handsome (?) guy named Preston) and money is any amount between one dollar and one million dollars. At the beginning of the show each girl was given a blank check. However, each check had a pre-assigned value between one dollar and one million dollars (the value of the check was invisible/unknown to the girls. The value of the check can be seen only in a special light) The girls will try to impress Preston making him believe that they are in for love, who will eliminate the girls one by one (or more than one at any time) based upon his personal likings, dating with girls one on one, and group dating etc. The last girl standing (winner) will then has to choose if she wants Love (Preston) or the money. If she chooses the money, then she gets the value of her check (not known to her till then) and Preston gets zippo. But if she chooses Preston, then Preston gets the value of her check. Catch is, Preston was told the value of each girl?s check.
In the first, two hour episode, Preston eliminated ten girls, for not having chemistry with the girls based upon his introductory meeting with the girls.
The girls left after first set of elimination were:
Jamie (check value $250, 000)
Andrea (check value $500, 000)
Rachel ($1)
Rebekah ($1)
Ali ($1000, 000)
PJ ($50, 000)
Everyone who I know and was watching the show admitted that Jamie is the hottest girl on the show, and even Preston admitted that he has a crush on her. My next favorite is Rachel, but many others like PJ.
Second Episode:
The remaining six girls were asked to vote against each other, as who do they think is in the game for love and who is in for love. All the girls voted Rachel as in for money, and four girls voted PJ as in for love. Both Rachel and PJ were then awarded a one-on-one date with Preston. A coin was tossed for both Rachel and PJ, and winner will get to know the value of her check. PJ won the toss and found out the value of her check ($50, 000).
The other girls were given a group date with the guy. Rachel dominated the show making Preston believe that shes in for love. At the end of the episode, Preston eliminated Jamie (came as surprise to many, but poor Preston)
Third Episode:
Preston was given a chance to select four of the remaining five girls to go on one-on-one date. He could choose any combination of girl(s) i.e. he could choose the same girl for all four dates or any two or any three or all four. He chose all different girls (except Rachel) for dating, and eliminated Ali ($1 million) at the end of the episode.
Also, in this episode, an offer was made to girls if they want to know the value of their check, but it will cost them one half of the value of their check. Andrea accepted the offer and found her check was worth $500K (now $250K) Rachel made a comment on it, how stupid you never take the first offer.
The show is still running, and its everyone?s guess what happens next. Everyone is having his/her own ideas, as they may switch the checks between the girls or some new surprises may come. But so far, the show has been able to keep the interest alive.
Follow-up: (fourth episode)
As expected, all the girls were given a chance to swap their checks with mystery checks (value unknown to everyone). Two of the checks were $1, and two were $1 million. Preston was told about the checks-swap, so game is quite open now as Preston also can not choose a girl with higher check value. He was given two group dates with two girls. First group, Rebekah and Rachel and second group PJ and Andrea. On the dates, he was asked to dine with only girl and he sent back Rebekah from group I and Andrea from group II. In the elimination round, he eliminated two girls Rebekah and Andrea making PJ and Rachel to the final. Next week is the final, and we will find out who wins what.
Back screen stuff: The editing of the show is fantastic. The way the show each girl?s and Preston?s comments after every incident is beyond apprehension. Directions in such type of shows may play important role, and is upto the mark. Sounds effect are marvelous.
The show overall is a good time pass. (see the comments section for the shows web page address and you can find out more about the show, watch the gals pics etc and also read Board messages. (telling you in advance I have a crush on Rachel :-)