I use Samsung Galaxy A20 up to 3 months.it's diplay size 6.4"and its is supper amolied display.so display quality is so good.it is the very strong side of the phone.This phone give us 4000mah battary backup.it is very vood and provide us in many time.cammera quality is so nice and beautiful.All mid renge smart phone give us snapdragon 660, 675, 636, 625 but the company did't give any snapdragon prosser.it is the big bad side of the phone and another big bad side is this company did not carry softower updating.it is the big problem.i play pubg in the phonem but I am not sattisfied to play pubg of the phone because I did not play pubg in hd mode.when I play pubg up to 30min then ta phone start to slow and hang.so I feel very distrubing.i lost many times of phone hang.