Screen cracks in just couple of cms
-Thats normal, if the phone falls down what do you expect? I have the phone since half year no problem
- phones screen gets freezed and needs to close and reopen the screen power to make it work again
-No problems, never had this problem. It can happen by application, check ur apps
- extreme touch sensitivity
-Since when thats dissapointment? Thats best thing in the phone ( among with everything else) - the screen is sensitive and very easy to operate with, when using other phone if feels like resistive touchscreen. This has like th ebest touchscreen. Very very senstivie, using with gloves with no problems.
- not comfortable screenwise
-The srcreen to body ratio is perfect, screen with curved edges ( 2.5D)
- hard to watch videos without touching the screen
-Why you are touching the screen while you watch videos? !
-Havent experienced, seems like u have porblem with centrain app
- the phone looks promising but its the other way around
-Its promising
- poooooooooorrrrr identifying touch points or areas on screen.
-The touchscreen is perfect, no problems with that. Im drawing on S Note with no problem.
-Camera is verry good quality, 13MP OIS in midrage is rarely seen.
- back if phone is made of glass
-You can say the same abt iPhone 4/4S and since when thats problem? Very beuatiful glass.