Excuse me. I hadnt face anytype of lag in recent released phone. J2-J7 A-series note 4, 5, 7 s6-s7 edge C-series ( all version) .
Ive tested all models. Im a multitask user. You cant say any wrong information about any product. Samsungs all android 6 versions are extremely optimized for app.
c9pro a sickness, tuch dose not work properly, there is no s health working , there is no urdu key board in it and totaly rubbish I hope samsung is becoming the next nokia.
c9pro a sickness, tuch dose not work properly, there is no s health working , there is no urdu key board in it and totaly rubbish I hope samsung is becoming the next nokia.
Go for C9 as the ram is higher. Remember today apps eat more ram. I have a 3gb ram mobile. In that apps eat upto 2.2 GB and leave 800mb for personal use, which is not useful and tends to hang the mobile frequently. So C9 better!