I have been using this handset since 6 months.and I would say Samsung has produced one of the ridiculous phone I have ever seen.
Its hard to describe every limitations of this phone.
Sortage of RAM. Shortage of Internal memory.
Odd Processor in this device.Regular TFT screen on this handset.
Really I must say. that I wasted my money on this handset without doing any market search on any brand handset.
768 MB RAM does not enough for this mobile.it always shows laggs and laggs and laggs.
whenever I opens my contact list or call logs. it takes time to appear 5 to 7 seconds.
and when I uses camera. This phone me giving me worst experience . not sharp images I couldnt get by this phone. whether inside in home. or outside in natural lighting.
The 4.5 inch screen is ok ok.But not so satisfactory.
so please do not buy this product.for sure. u will surely get regret by using this device.Trust me guyz.