I purchased Samsung galaxy core in October 2013 for Rs 13000. I was confused between XPeria M, Nokia 625 and somewhat ASUS phone pad but I preferred Core because of its configurations. No doubt Xperia Ms camera and sound quality is better than core but Sonys mobiles are very fragile and sensitive. But core has 8 GB internal memory( xperia has 4). Wide screen and 1.2 GHZ processor which makes it fast.
Between NOKIA Lumia 625 and core, I preferred core because I am an Android user. Moreover 625 has 512mb of RAM. Now I dont know how much RAM is sufficient for windows 8.
There are 2 cons I found in CORE:
the position of lock and volume button. when I try to lock my phone, sometimes volume control button gets pushed up because they are at same position on opposite sides.
2nd is a generic Samsung problem that there is no camera button( like digicam) present on mobile for self click.:). it is there in XPERIA.