Samsung galaxy j2 vs xiaomi redmi 2 4g
comparing price j2 8000
xiaomi 7880
accoording j2 have 1gb ram 8 gb interanl ans 128 gn micro sd support but u can not put
about xiaomi have 2 model 1 gn ram 8 gb ineranal
2 gb ram 16 ineranl
compare samung and xiaomi really according to me dont purcahse this phone number of this phone
1 hang problem.1 day start
2 update information not availble
3andorid version work not coorectly and all.time rebot in this phone and about screen resoulation
very small 4 inch screen and camera 2 front and back 5 with led
comparing xiaomi camera 5 front and bachk 13 mp.with good led
and screen resoltaion 4.5inch
so.dont purcchase dabba phone j2