Hello friends find the information regarding the Samsung Galaxy J5 - 6(2016 Edition). first off all I would like to share my personal experiance with you.
When I play Music, video player, You tube . Loud speaker volume very low even though you increase the media volume to high . Phone doesnt have Compass, Speak is very low some time you cant hear it out.while charging get hot.
The earphone quality is absolutely pathetic, not worth more than Rs 20! The audio quality is absolutely unacceptable. Its as though Samsung wants to punish customers that opted to buy one of its cheaper phones.
some other issuse of this device.
1- Its ringtone is slow.
2- device getting heated as its side is metal.(maybe)
3- No call Recording.
4- Main issue is- it shows "Sim card Removed" msg frequently and you have to restart it. There is no other option. Same sim works fine on another mobile.
5.Camera is very worst.
6.Charging is too slow.
7.Home Button is too hard.
Missing in same range other Models:
Gorila glass
Finger print sensor
High SAR value(Radiation which is bad for human body)
suggetion; please donot purchase it otherwise you will get frustrated with its performance.