Galaxy j7 is a one of the best mobile phone u could buy in budget less than 18k to 20k.
It has a beautifull design with meatllic frame and diamond cutt finish. Totally handy , kinda looks like iphone6.
It comes in three colors.
It has new feature namely S Bike mode.
It has a feature namely ultra data saving mode, which saves 50% of 4G data.
5.5inch HD display
Comes with a andriod version 6.0 marshmellow picking up the pace of the software.
Light weight cell phone weighing about 170gms.
Best battery backup. With a battery capacity about 3300mAh.
1.6Ghz CPU speed.
I would recommand this mobile. If anyone is buying a new one below a budget of 20k with grate feature.
It come at a price of Rs.15.990.
Must go.!