Hey guys, I have recently bought this samsung galaxy j7 for my sister, first 10 days I have used this, I have in black color. so coming on its pros and cons
- nice and crisp display(Amoled)
2.samsung after sales service
3.it really has a nice camera
1.no full HD screen in this price
2.normal processor unit, should have better one
3.battery drains fast due to large display
- Samsung UI which is TochWiz, its lags a lot
5 no improvement in design
so, I would like to say that, I have bought it for my sister so its okay for her, as samsung has good service but in terms of specification it nowhere around some mighty chinese phones .I would suggest to buy redmi note 3 or letv 2s as its cheap and powerful .as I own redmi note 3.
Thank You.