This is the best mobile I have ever used it has a lot of features that isnt present on any other mobile phone its shape is just awful and fashionable its just look stylish, its sound is just awesome its speakers are like buffers and its sound appeals every one soul to listen some thing on this superb mobile phone move over it is very easy to use so it is mobile friendly it has a strong graphics so every thing looks int just colorful I love to play game on this mobile because of its graphics and its browsing speed is like bullet because of high RAM and PROCESSOR streaming on YouTube is very fast their is no loading I have seen on this mobile while using YouTube also its battery timing is just amazing it can spend 1 or 2 days easily, also its touch is reliable and amazing, one of the biggest feature on this mobile is its camera I really love to take selfie ant time any where it has some thing special in its camera because of its high pixels when I talk about its memory so you can store huge amount of data on it like videos audios movies games files etc also its HD display compel any one to watch videos on it you can load heavy games on it every kind of heavy mobile games can be played on this mobile and I feel proud when I used this mobile and biggest feature of this mobile is that it is not to much expensive regarding its features like its display its ram its processor it graphics its body its battery timing, I suggest every one to use and buy this product if you want really enjoyment if you want to use youtube without loading if you want high quality display if you want to enjoy heavy games if you want to enjoy high definition selfies ultimately its a unique mobile phone because of its unique features which apart this mobile from others