The samsung galax j7 pro has recently been launched in the market after the success of j7 max.
This phone is comprised of a super amoled display which is the samsungs best display.
As all we know the samsung mobile phones are known for there awesome touch and full hd displays.
So for the touch and display part you dont need to bother much.
If you will go for the speakers than the speakers are average and provides youn an average sound quality.
Sensors are also good and work efficeintly in all conditions. It us comprised of finger print sensor, ambient light sensor, proximity and accekerometet sensor also whuch are enough for use.
The build quality of this cell phone is also ver good. It is consist of a snapdragon processor which is one of the best in the market.
It has front and rear camera and both are of 13 mega pixels. So you dont need to bother for an additional camera as the cameras quality is also good. So you can name it as a selfi pnone also.
Coming to the cons of this cell phone.
The major drawback that it has is the signal quality.
This phone is 4g volte enabled but the signal reception is not good.Even mi phones has better signal reception quality. So you may get bothered with the signal if you are residing at a corner place where signal quality is not good.
However if you can neglect the signal part then go for this smart phone its price is 21000.
And if you can wait then wait for some time samsung cuts the price in very short perood of time.