I used the phone recently. On the first looks it gives a majestic feel, arrangement of elements are very beautifuly done, on the back side too the shaded surface too good. Centerised xamera with a flash is more precious looks than ithers. But still samsung disaprooving on the unternals. Only 1.5 gb ram and 16 gb rom is not enough for a phone in this price range. Also a quadcore peocessor with this ram is not good. They are inlt giving 3000 mah battery ut us not enough for aphine with 5.5 inch dusplay. But still its superamoled scereen experience a better feelings. No additional sound system is provided. This means a bad speaker system. No finger print scanners. But it is easy to use because its launcher us still the same that can see on every samsung phone. The problems occuring rale is less. So it lasts more. But it heats more and have hanging too. On my openion the phone is nor enougg in the price range.tankyou