Hello! Everyone . Today I am going to give you all guys my honest review on Samsung J7 . Its my personal favorite with an affordable price tag which is a boon of its own. These days whenever some one ask me which phone should I buy . I say Samsung J7. Reason is that its affordable and works like a charm . The phone is good and always gives a king feeling . The display is quite nice . handy phone with cool features. The best part is it rarely heats up. Thats a nice sign . The apps runs very smoothly without any lags . its a charm to use it . It has marshmallow 6.0.1 version .which without a doubt has very nice features and matches to our needs . The charging quality is pretty quick and it doesnt heat up that much . That automatically gives the sign of longer battery performance. It has 3300 mAh battery. Over the gadget is awesome and all the features are worth it . Go give a try and I am sure you wont regret after you start using its awesome and mesmerizing features. Its a gem of a phone with a the features needed today .