I recently got a Samsung Note and here is my experience:
The product is Stylish, contemporary
It has great screen resolution, and a great battery power(dont know but does not discharge so soon)
Configure 10 emails, 3G internet Access, VPN access(very useful for people using companys VPN to access applications)
Is also a mobile phone and has a great voice clarity
Not sure of the RAM size but the system hardly hangs after accessing multiple applications
If you bargain harder with the store then you will get a good genuine cover and accesories such as Bluetooth and Car battery charger
I am writing this update(on Sept 27th 2013): The Samsung Note has a built in free feature called "Navigation". The navigation helps you to navigate(find directions) on the road when you are walking or in a car or in a bike. This requires 3G internet connectivity.
When I travel in the city or travel across India. I dont worry about the roads and directions. It tells me how to navigate on the road. Awesome feature. Paisa Wasool. Its free.
Cost(around INR 30, 000).Note 2 is slighlty(by 6000) expensive
Slightly bigger than normal phones.(really does not matter)
If you want to buy a smaller TAB with calling abilities.Note is the Best.Go for it.worth it