Why did you purchase this product?
Ans- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 32GB White online at best price in India. . Another feature that makes the N9000 by Samsung a must buy for you is its 13 . The company, within the warranty period, will repair or replace the mobile phone or its . majorly because of its diversified product line like Televisions, Refrigerators, .
What do you like and dislike about this product?
Ans- Samsung Galaxy Note 3 on CNET. . You can also open the back and change out the battery - unlike some phones. . Summary: I like my Note 3 but I HATE how jammed full of app crap it is. . Summary: I have been an apple product owner for over 3 years and didnt think id go back .
Why did you choose this brand over the others?
Ans- Galaxy Note 3 is . Whatever you may think of Samsung and its Galaxy range, the truth of . and the Galaxy Note 3 shows the company does know how to make a . These windowed apps will run over your normal homescreen or other full-screen apps and .