Hello to all of my friends over this platform,
Today I wanna advise every one that if some one if looking to buy a smart phone and still have confusion what you which one you should go for? Here is the answer without any doubt is "The Samsung Galaxy Note 4". The note 4 is coming with Corning Gorilla Glass 4. Wait not only that it has 3 GB Ram & 32 GM memory and along with upgradable a memory slot of 128 GB. Guys enough space to store songs that you can listen through out your journey to The Moon. It supports almost all format and has a removable Li-Ion 3220 mAh battery which last long for a smartphone which is running on 2.75 GHz Krait 450 Snapdragon & 1.3 GHz. It worth the price that you are going to spent on this gadget. You will never get bored with this phone as it has a stylus that will help you to create new things. I am using it from the last 2 years & I have never visited the service center with a complaint like other phones has.
Still thinking. Guys if you have the budget just buy it with a blindfolded eye.