Hey I want 2 tell u some fact about this mobile.this mobile is not at all new its a same mobile just like galaxy note 3.if u use note 3 and want 2 buy note 4 plzzzz its a very foolish deal for u.my recommedation is buy note 5.this mobile is very costly and u get at 25k nexus 6p very class phone.in this phone nothing any new thing there is couple of new thigs but same design same look and same feel.this is waste of money if u want galaxy note go with note 3 and note 5 but dont bye note 4.there is not any huge diffrent in this two device.
Disply rating same
Design rating same
Software rating same
Performance is better in note 3
Battery rating same
Camera perform slightly better in note 3
This rating is my own I have note 4 and note 3 I compare it side by side.sorry to say plzzz dont go with note 4 buy note 3 or note 5