2015 was very sucessfull for samsung because they stated new design philosophy and made their touchwiz way faster and simple.with the s6 and s6 edge samsung was able to recover quiet amount of lost fame and unsuccessful due to s5. Successor of note 4 and new second flagship of 2015 by samsung was introduced in october. SAMSUNG GALAXY NOTE 5 the phone with a permium looks. Also considered as best looking in the market. A beast( mutitasking is not solved yet) An Awesome camera. The artist s-pen . And A woooow display thanx to SAMOLED panel . There is very much to say about this phone. So for this I will not keep repeating that on paper specs. Personally I used this phone for an week and I will be sharing mine experince. I was using 64GB varient Gold. The first I noticed that same screen size is placed in a small body so it makes it more easy to use and also that curves on back makes it convinient to use at the same time phone is very slippery due to glass back samsung needs to work on it in 2016 models. The s-pen is well placed and designed it also comes with extra new features.that you can directly start using it without unclocking phone. Display is the most part where you interact with your phone. and as always Samsung does best here the amoled panel dosent generate real colors because it adds extra punch to colours but this colours are very beautiful and pleasant to our minds.and the real colurs can be gained by the settings of display but I personaly like that punchness of colurs. Now when it comes to camera it is perfect all-rounder. It produces best pictures in every condtions . Though nexus 6P beats it in low light but in overall condition it does better than any other phone in the market . Performance is beast when it comes to opening of apps and games. But multitasking needs to be improved and hardware has that ability to do lot better so marshmallow update is expected to do that. Battery is kind of better than average. And phone doesnt heats up. And Removal of IR blaser is very wierd for me . And sd should be back in the next generations or a 128gb varient should be introduced. Now when it comes to price . Now it is bit expensive so wait because it is samsung and prices will drop soon drastically after the launch of s7. After that you can definatey buy it if youre unable to pay this much.thanx for reading this review hope you may like it.express your question in comments if I can I will surely answer them