Confucius sayperson who laughs last, thinks slowest.
Having an older phone that works and laughing at another person with an older phone that works? Sure.
That the person tried their best to update it? What is the issue!?
Having an older phone. didnt you chastise theplastic backed phone users when you got thatpremium note 5; yet you had issue when a better phone came out and kept picking on it.
So now your phone brand has stuffed up again and you feel great.?
Sure thing.
Just dont think you have credibility, that your voice has any value.
Attacking people who contribute worthwhile comments whilst yours are the lowest levels of batship crazy? Opinions are often worth what we pay for them(yours and mine being given free are therefore worthless)
Maybe I miss the value in your pointless bickering, dericiveness etc.
Hence why ye log in as anon.
No one cares when your comments get deleted, shame you give nothing of value to a community of which you try to belong.