Specifications: This device was launched in 2011-2012 by Samsung. This device have low features but in 2011 it make quite good market. This device is slow as the Ram of the device is low which leads to slow and heat the device. Price of the device at launch time is almost 7-8 thousand. The looks of the device are very dull and low specially it looks more dull from back panel.
Sound reception of the device is almost good and smooth.
This is user friendly as there are no complicated features and the interface of the device is easy too thus this is user friendly.
Style and Design of the device are very low and I didnt like the looks at all, but still OK.
It have no other good features even it have low features such as 1 GB ram which makes the device slow, 8 MP camera @ 1080 P. It have basic sensors.
Looks are not so impressive.
Value for money I will say 5/10.