I got this new Samsung Galaxy S2 the day it was lauched, purchased it from a renouned outlet instead of buying it online which is risky
Actually I had been to purchase Samsung Galaxy S (previous version) but the shop owner showed me this phone instead, I was in love with the phone the moment I operated it
It has everything you ask for, The best thing is its very sleek, fast, amazing clarity, good camera (8 mp), superb net speed, and everything that you ask for the phone delivers it
I was not an staunch follower of Samsung, but this phone has made me sit up and notice the brand in a new perspective
After using this phone, I sometimes feel rest of the phones (Nokia 5800 which I have) to be a thning of stone age
Guys if you have 30000 in your balance or if you want a genuinely good phone, go for it, dont be confused with iphone 4 bcz S2 scores much more than iphone 4 in all aspects
be it camera, the net, thickness, screen, everythngs there