Samsung comes up with another terrible product in its mobile line up.The entire Galaxy range by Samsung is crappy. This tops the list. I dont know why people even compare it to the iphone. There is no comparison.
They copy everything and yet the fail successfully!
The only good thing about Samsung is the advertising. They hype up their products before the release. People go crazy at the launch, but the next day they realise their disappointment. The so called super amoled is far from super. Sony Experia Arc is like at least 5 times better and faster than any of the Samsung phones, S3 included. I ran a test in Korea Sony Experia Arc 3g vs. Samsung Galaxy S3 4g LTE,
Actual results:
The browser opens a fraction of a second faster in ARC.The page loads with the same speed in both the phones. Out of the four pages that we loaded at the same time on both phones
( three were fresh pages and one was a link clicked from an open page.
The link opened faster on the ARC.
4g LTE is supposed to be 7 times faster than 3g!
My Experia ARc is a year old, and has all sorts of apps installed. The S3 was a brand new set which I was supposed to buy. Fortunately, I tested it. Dont buy Samsung Galaxy s3 (or any Samsung phones at all)