Hello Guys,
Actually Ive a craze of changing phone every month & I used every phone by Samsung since starting from its bada series to Android each & every phone Ive used actually after the success of Samsung Galaxy S3.
Samsung though its invention is different but it should have looks like Apple iPhone. Samsung tried to do so and copied looks of iPhone 4 in his S4, and mostly many features in OS, it did copy from Apple.
The biggest problem of S4 is update after you do an update of 4.4 kitkat .
You must do rollback because it sucks and the battery was good before update. Ive never got battery drain problem and my cellphone lasted for approx 2 days but now hardly 5 hours, and this phone is getting hot in just 15 minutes usage.
Camera quality I dont like though its 14 MP its looks like 10 MP, you just see Sonys 8 MP then tell me S4 is 14 MP & only note 2 & S3 is best. S4 and note 3 is worst.
My opinion is never buy Samsung cellphone because prices will be drop like vegetables. Ive bought S4 before 5 months now price for new piece is 28k, before 44k.