Samsung has the worst customer service EVER. Dont buy S4 or any other expensive device from Samsung. I had S4, which has charging issue, sometimes it takes 10-12 hours to complete charge the battery. It has been 5 months issue is still not resolved and mobile is only 6 month old. I have already visited service center for charging issue 3 times, each time they either clean the phone socket or replace the adapter but never gave any permanent solution.
I have other devices at home such as Nokia 620, Samsung Tab 2, Samsung wave mobile and they all work with my PC, but Samsung Galaxy S4 never got connected to my PC. I have escalated this case to Samsung escalation team and requested for refund/replacement as I am 100% sure that it is a faulty piece that I have got but they can just make excuses nothing else.
But they never ready to listen to me and again told me to visit service center. Now I have submitted my mobile in Server center for the 4th time and they have confirmed that it takes 3-4 hours for charging. Now when I request Samsung to replace the handset, then they refused to replace the mobile by saying that there is no issue with mobile and it is in working condition.
Recently I have received an email from Samsung escalation team that mobile has been repaired, when I asked for detailed information about the repair they have done, Samsung doesnt have answer. If the phone is not faulty as they told me earlier then what are they repairing? Why Samsung is making false statements all the time.
Mobile is still with service center, I am asking Samsung to write down on paper that Mobile is working and no charging issue, 3-4 hours is normal charging hours for S4 but no one from Samsung ready to write it down.
Recent Update- 26th December I got an email from Samsung support to collect my mobile as it has been repaired. Samsung service center confirmed that they have not repaired the mobile yet and they didnt even send any confirmation to collect the mobile.
Such a disgusting service from Samsung. Samsung keep on making false statements.
I have wasted my money and time by trusting Samsung.
Samsung Case number - 8440707673.