Hardware of the phone is pretty ordinary and people expected to see much more( Plastic design)
Software is improved just a little, not as much as everyone expected to be( Fingerprint reader fails too much.)
3.This phone has a 2.5GHz processor and a 2 GB RAM, which means that there is still a high chance that performance of this device can easily lack somewhere along the way
Price is also a disadvantage, because this phone is pretty expensive, and it won’t be easy to afford this phone( Updated: prices dropped)
Even the design of the phone is improved and enchanted just a bit -( Duplicated software apps and features.) Before you go to the shop to buy this device, study this list of Advantages and disadvantages of Samsung Galaxy S5 in order to make the best possible decision. Chevy Powell
Technobezz Founder -The founder and CEO of Firm Luxury Media. He’s a versatile tech pioneer, with the spirit of an innovator
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Tags: Samsung Galaxy S5, troubleshooting
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