I had bought a samsung galaxy s6 edge 64gb variant on 17th august. After two day it start showing a pink color vertical line in the right edge.and it also have overheating issue.then I call to the samsung care they said I have to visit the service center and show that problem to them.but the line get itself gone in 10;hour.i was thinking for replacememt of phone.
But the line was gone and when I called to the customer care they said the set will be only replaced if you have any problem.i said I have two problems(line and overheating) then they said.heating is normal and the line is not at present time thats why we can not replace it.after 8 days the line start showing again and when I call customer care and tell them about this problem they said now the phone can only repair.phone can not be replaced.and also read that this phone have no heating issues but my phone heats alot.
When I said that I want to talk with your senior they said they will call me.but thy dont.now I had given my phone in samsung service center and they said they will return it after 15days.please dont buy samsung phones because today its my story but tomorrow it can be yours.