Samsung galaxy s7 edge is one the best smartphones I ever owned, you have to say that its camera is awesome its f/1.7
Aperture front camera lets you take selfie with a wider angle, it has 4gb ram( very good) , 32gb of internal storage is okay for some but for smartphones users like me 32gb is not enough, the good thing samsung has done is they have given sd card slot by which you can expand memory upto 200gb( I got a 128gb card in my phone) everything on this phone is very good but there is only one thing about it is I dont like that IT IS VERY SLIPPERY.
It slips from your hand very easily and is very fragile( you can check drop tests on youtube) this phone is made for people who take care of their phone very much even I switched my phone because I once accidently dropped my s7 edge nd got the screen cracked. on a whole its a awesome phone , very sleek design but the only disadvantage I noticed is that it needs a lot of care.