This phone is by far one of the best on the market. After reading the reviews left by some of the buyers, there seems to be some confusion on what seller to buy it from. My phone, which is real, and came factory sealed, was bought from "The Coos". However, to my understanding, there is no one out there making fake edge phones. The phone is just too complex to duplicate. What might be happening is the phones could possibly be getting damaged during the shipping process. The phone is glass, so if the shipper isnt packaging it correctly, it could absolutely take on damage. This is why I recommend, that if you are planning on buying this phone from amazon, make sure amazon is the one fulfilling the order. I have had no problems at all when I order from a third party that allows amazon to fulfill the order. Also, it doesnt hurt to review the customer reviews on the actual seller as well.
As far as the phone itself goes, it works perfectly. All the specs pretty much define what to expect from the phone. Its got the best screen in the world and the best camera. The glass finish makes it beautiful, but its fingerprint prone and and extremely slippery. Other than that, I have no complaints.