The samsung lauched his phone named is S8+ . Omg what a phone in new world is phone is amazing like a best phone in all world .
The have very very good desgin and also I like the edge of this phone ithe phone is tootaly outstanding look of this phone I ever seen in my take a phone on your hand feel a geart and feel a very light phone youy have carrying in your hand
The phone have runninh on 7.0 nought is the best os symtem in moden world .The s8+ is best from his battery backup . THe phone 3500mah with full backuyp of his battrey and the main fuction of this phone is dash charging omg isa to fast to campre all other phones .
S8+ phone have very good qualty of HD camera on botj side for take a HD picture and video .The back of this phone is finish by glass and its ro slim with glass finish .The phoine have full HD display with revultion qualty.
S8+ is very goof to used and oprating with easy.
Tahnks to samsung a gives a very gift for use
I recomded to all buy this phone and improved your style with Samung S8+ .