Hey Guys I bought Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 T211 2 years back . As Tablet is good for large screen to view movies/ play games . But as I was having low budget so I decided to go with Samsung Tab 3 T211 as Samsung Brand is popular and I also have samsung smartphone.
But I think my decision was wrong . It hangs alot even though if we dont play games . My tab has 8 gb external memory card . I dont have any game installed . But only few apps like messenger, Twitter etc . No games at all but it hangs then also . While using facebook messenger or instagram or any other app it suddenly gets stop working as its battery is inbuilt so we also cant remove battery so I have to wait till its full battery gets die . Means I have to wait for Battery discharging from like 80% to 0% . Which is just annoying. Iam totally fedup of this Daily it gets hang now even I have removed apps like insta, twitter only messenger app and inbuilt app of tab is there But still it hangs .
So if u play games or anything on tab and you are thinking to purchase budget tab please dont go for this it gets start hang problem after few weeks . go for some good quality one . Though I will recommend go for samsung only but for high price one .