The Samsung gear vr by Oculus takes you into and totally different and amazing world.It just has one disadvantage that it is only compatible with Samsung s6, s6 edge, s7, s7 edge and note 5. You need to have any one of these phones to use this mesmerizing product. There are some games which can only be played by a gaming console. There are infinite things you can do with the gear vr like playing games, watching movies, 360 videos and pictures, etc. There is one feature in it where you can see all your personal videos and it will feel like you are sitting in a movie theatre. Full paisa-wasool product. and if you have one of the devices which support the gear vr, I would strongly recommend you to buy it. Its only costs 8000 bucks. It is extremely comfortable to wear. But you cant use the product for more than 20 minutes as its heats up like anything and needs to be cooled down.