My title is signifying my past year as I was a iit aspirant at one time so I decided to take coaching from kota to crack iit, the most blunder obstruct is the long distance by which there will long communication gap so my father decided to give me a mobile. As to concentrate on my study, I have to get rid of from my smartphone so my father decided to take a mobile in which net can`t be access & this communication gap can be vanish so the SAMSUNG MUSIC GURU 2 is being purchased .silent features which fit this mobile to be purchased by iit aspirant `s parent:-
for refeshment you can listen to radi0 or you can feed your favourite songs in memory card as it can expand upto 16 GB
it has long lasting battery back up as it has 800mah battery
and it is not multimedia set which make it on the 1st position on the preference of the iit jee aspirant and there parents
and it can easily connect to pc usb
and it have a feature of dual sim