Yes, I totally agree with my friend mentioned early about BMjeon, he is the imported culprit. He does not know anything about finance. He meets finance rajendra personally over a drink with office money and take the advice. Rajendra advices him as per his requirement.He is being a finance head keeps all his relatives chartered firms for auditing in siso. He pays professional fee and gets the benefit from them.He uses the company car lease benefit without actually utilizing any car from any agency. BMjeonis a person with less age and experience with finance. Hemanages entiresiso financial aspects through rajendra, who has poor English communication. He cannot speak a language but he acts like a finance minister serving for BMjeon.
May be he wants to become VP of siso or MD. He is fit to be accountant in a rice mill or a corporation office. He can check the garbage clearly and keep the count of wet garbage & dry garbage. He is the only person in siso who can act as a wife to BMjeon. For siso healthy environment, he can be moved to SDSand BMjeoncan go back to korea. So thatsiso gets a CFOwho has his own brain and think by himself.